Product Descriptions
from the Heart, Not a Prompt
There are stories to be found, even in product descriptions

I'm still working on updating this section, but please feel to browse the old layout.

The Yes/No coin was one of NWTM's novelty items. I wanted to capture a humorous tone with this piece. Given the company's preference for longer product descriptions, I embellished a bit.
This product was a challenge coin that honored a U.S. Navy ship. I researched the ship and wrote the copy to speak to the military, their families, and others with interest.
For background on military challenge coins view the History of the Challenge Coin blog I wrote that never saw publication due to the company's bankruptcy.
The Deadwood collectible coin commemorated the historic gold-rush town of South Dakota. Before writing the copy, I researched the town's history. NWMT preferred their product descriptions on the longer side to tell a story.
This engravable medallion could function as a gift or an award for dog shows and competitions. I delved into my own love of animals to speak to those who would find interest in this item.
The .45 was one in a series of novelty silver bullets. Channeling arms enthusiasts and western history buffs loaded me with inspiration for this product's copy.
This fire department challenge coin was one of the many designed for brave firefighters. When writing this, I thought of the sacrifices they make every day and the mettle of which they are made to endure such a dangerous vocation.
These individual silver tiles allow customers to create a message that is a gift in itself. Because they were priced at current silver market value, I played to those willing to spend a little more for a unique gift.
This bugout tube is one in a series of three original products designed by the company targeted at people who want to prepare for a currency collapse or those who want to invest outside of financial institution.